Codi's favorites
these are collections of some of my most favorite things that I talk about and suggest #allthetime to my friends & family!
grab what works for your goals, leave the rest!
when you shop goodies using these links, you'll also get access to all of the resources made just for the Essentially Inspired tribe of oilers!
note: YL is amazing and offers a 24% discount to all customers - look for how to unlock your discount as you check out!

Fall & Winter Diffusing
I love diffusing so so so so much! these are my favorite oils for the fall & winter. diffuse them alone or combine into glorious, delicious smelling blends!
{{{ stalk my Pinterest for inspo! }}}
Face Serum & Mermaid Hair
when homemade is better than store-bought. these are two of my favorite DIYs! visit the blog and pinterest for recipes + details!
{{{ DIYs on the blog }}}