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Sugar Scrubs! bring the spa home

Writer's picture: Codi Leigh EssentiallyCodi Leigh Essentially

Updated: Aug 17, 2022

  1. fill your container almost to the top with your base, leaving just a bit of room at the top

  2. dump it into a bigger bowl

  3. add a carrier oil until base is damp, or more if you want it more moisturizing + mix

  4. add 15-20 total drops of essential oil for every 1 cup of base {adjust for how strong you like it!} + mix again

  5. put back into your container, and scrub away!


sugar, salt, coffee... body, hands, feet... moisturizing, relaxing, hydrating... this time of year especially, scrubs are LIFE

today for DIY Monday, we're all about scrubby concoctions!

this DIY is alllll about personal preference, so my advice is to start with some small jelly-jar sized batches and discover exactly how YOU like YOUR scrubs!!!!

these can totally be done 100% with stuff you already have in your home, and are super decadent while being really, really inexpensive!

ok, let's get started!



start by thinking about what you're scrubbing and why you're scrubbing it!

  • really, really dry legs? might need a coarse scrub with moisturizing liquid!

  • all over body to pamper yourself? a lighter scrub with a body wash might work better!

  • hands at a sink? a coarse scrub or coffee scrub might be fun!

I mostly do body scrubs in the shower with a moisturizing carrier oil for my dry legs!




depending on what / why you're scrubbing, you'll choose a base for your experiment!

  • white sugar {most readily available, does a nice delicate scrub}

  • raw sugar {more coarse than white sugar, great for hands}

  • himalayan salt or epsom salt {holds up better in water and you can scrub longer, tends to be coarse}

  • coffee grounds {doesn't dissolve so scrubs a long time + the caffeine, but also goes down the drain}

  • combination of them!!

I do a lot of mostly white sugar scrubs because we don't use that to eat anymore (and I have a bunch I'm working through from the pantry) plus himalayan salt because it is a more coarse scrub and lasts longer in water before it dissolves




apologies to anyone else who hates the word "moist", but couldn't think of another word to describe this part hahaha

depending on your goal, you'll choose something to moisten the base! some people like their scrubs with a LOT of liquid, some (like me) like for the sugar or salt to be barelyyyyyy moist.

totally up to you, but beware of the naked splits - depending on what you use for a liquid and how much you use, your shower could become a bit slick.

some of the favorites to use:

  • coconut oil (fractionated liquid) - very moisturizing!

  • coconut oil (solid) - whipped like a body butter, then fold in the base, it feels more decadent!

  • jojoba oil - absorbs a bit better than coconut oil

  • YL's V6 massage oil - my fave because it's a blend of a bunch of different carriers and absorbs reallyyyy nicely

  • YL's body wash (unscented or scented) - if you don't want a slippery shower and are after a great scrub

  • castile soap or the like - same as above!




we think of diffuser recipes as being just that - DIFFUSER recipes. but they're not! nope! not just for the diffuser!

you can take your favorite smells and use them in ANY recipe or DIY to make your scent dreams come true!

some favorites for sugar scrubs:

  • blueberry lemonade - equal drops lemon + valor

  • lavender - just on it's own! such a glorious, soothing oil!

  • stress away - this blend was madeeeee for relaxing!

  • ginger snaps blend - one of my fave smells! coffee hand scrub!

  • christmas spirit - another one that would be fab for hands

  • bergamot + lime - or any citrus combo - uplifting and refreshing

  • peppermint + spruce - awakening and grounding at the same time

  • or do your fave combo!!!!! share in the comments what you choose!

Shop oils & bases here:


  • water makes minty mintier, spicy spicier - if something is too minty or spicy when you use it, get out of the water and slather on a carrier oil (you only put Panaway on your lower back before you hop in the shower once #gravityflowstowardsthebuttcrack)

  • if you plan on hitting the rays, remember that citrus can make your skin more sensitive to the sun (especially bergamot) I've personally never had any issues, but I'm also sunscreen obsessed!



  1. fill your container almost to the top with your base, leaving just a bit of room at the top

  2. dump it into a bigger bowl

  3. add a carrier oil until base is damp, or more if you want it more moisturizing + mix

  4. add 15-20 total drops of essential oil for every 1 cup of base {adjust for how strong you like it!} + mix again

  5. put back into your container, and scrub away!



I like to use the small 4oz jelly jars for my scrubs so I can make new batches with different scents/properties often!

and for hand scrubs, the short ball jars with the wide mouth are great!

make sure whatever you use has a lid!



try one or two of these and share your thoughts!!!:

-what was your recipe?!

-what did you think??

-what container did you use?

-did you add any extras?

-what essential oil combo did you do??

would LOVE to see photos, too!!!! yay! this is so fun!

*** NOTE: as always, start low, go slow, and listen to your body, and follow usual safety guidelines! dilute as desired, especially for kiddos. keep oils out of eyes and ears. use only the highest quality essential oils. have fun!!! ***


Shop oils & bases here:

Young Living's V6 Massage Oil:

Young Living's Shower Gel Base:


Essentially Inspired Tribe Members:

head to the our Essentially Inspired Facebook group for more DIY recipes, tips, & tricks!

or to our website's recipe section!

enjoy, enjoy!!



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